We’d love your support…

Financial support for the Louisiana Art Music Collective ensures that all of the musicians are recognized, acknowledged, and compensated for their diligent work. Additionally, monetary aid goes toward production and advertisement.

The Louisiana Art Music Collective is the only initiative of its kind in the Greater Baton Rouge area that is not attached to a larger institution. Instead, we are composed of enthusiastic emerging artists and established artists seeking to make a community impact through the art form of classical music in a grassroots fashion. Funding will ensure our continued growth and fuel our shared commitment to using our musical voices as a source of unity.

Your gift to the collective encourages us to artfully step into the community without doubt or insecurity of how concert experiences will play out logistically and financially. We hope to be equipped with all of the resources to successfully share our music with you and the full array of the community we serve. We look forward to a future of concertizing and community engagement.

Checks payable to Louisiana Art Music Collective

Please contact us for our mailing address or if you would prefer another payment method.

Please consider payment service processing fees (2-4%) deducted from amount that we receive from your contribution.

The Louisiana Art Music Collective is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.